General Questions How often do you use MOPL? (Please indicate your response by checking the appropriate box) DailyWeeklyBiweeklyMonthlyEvery three monthsEvery six monthsLess often What is the primary reason you visit MOPL and use its services? (Please check all that apply) Study/EducationTo Borrow Library MaterialsResearchWork RelatedOther If you selected Other, please provide additional detail in the space provided below (i.e. special programs, events, meetings, leisure, etc.) Program Questions Please rank in order of importance to your MOPL experience (1 being most important, 7 being least important) Games Movies Performances Informational Crafts How To/DIY Book Clubs PLEASE RESPOND TO THE STATEMENTS BELOW. YOU MAY ADD AN EXPLANATION FOR YOUR RESPONSE IN THE SPACE PROVIDED. Are MOPL’s current program offerings fun and beneficial? YesNo What type of program offerings do you find most fun/beneficial? What type of programs do you find least fun/beneficial? What type of programs would you recommend MOPL explore in the future? Is there anything else we should know? Technology Please rank the following in terms of importance to your library experience (1 being most important, 7 being least important) Website Databases (i.e. Ebsco, Pressreader, Heritage Quest, Novelist, etc.) Tablets / Laptops Gaming 3-D Printers Scanning Services Online Information & Research Services How often do you use the MOPL website? (Please check your response) DailyWeeklyBiweeklyMonthlyEvery three monthsEvery six monthsLess often For what purpose do you use the MOPL website? Do you feel MOPL website is informative and easy to navigate? YesNo Do you feel the MOPL’s databases are meeting the needs of the Mount Olive student population? YesNo Do you feel the MOPL’s access to its online information & research services are satisfactory? YesNo Notes: (Please use the space provided below to share suggestions or additional comments) Buildings & Grounds Please rank the following in terms of importance to your library experience(1 being most important, 10 being least important) Hours of Operation Use of Space Seating Gaming Lighting Outlet Access Maker's Space Aesthetics Restrooms Meeting Rooms Do you feel the MOPL physical spaces are inviting and welcoming for students? YesNo What spaces do you prefer to use? Why? Are the MOPL business hours convenient? YesNo Collection Please rank the following in terms of importance to your library experience (1 being most important, 7 being least important) Books Periodical Reference Materials Music Audio Video Digital (E-Books, Audiobooks, etc.) Do you feel the MOPL collection of materials is meeting the needs of students? YesNo Are you aware of the MOPL Heritage Room & Collection? YesNo Notes: (Please use the space provided below to share suggestions or additional comments) Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Please rank the following in terms of importance to your library experience (1 being most important, 7 being least important) Representation/Diverse Collection Cultural Programming Technology Acessibility Policies Do you feel that people of all cultures and backgrounds are valued and respected at MOPL? YesNo Does MOPL demonstrate a strong commitment to meeting the needs of differently-abled patrons? YesNo Notes: (Please use the space provided below to share suggestions or additional comments)